News Release

百特宣布与凯雷达成最终协议 以 38 亿美元出售Vantive肾脏护理业务

  • 在凯雷全球投资团队和资源的支持下, 将Vantive 打造成领先的独立肾脏护理企业
  • 着眼于股东价值最大化的稳健交易流程
  • 提供更高的资本赋能灵活性,加速实现百特和 Vantive 各自的增长目标
  • 作为百特持续推进业务转型的重要里程碑,助其获得更清晰的战略,更高效的运营,和更强的创新能力
  • 百特公布了其在拟完成的肾脏护理业务剥离后、对部分财务指标的初步展望



在或需进行交割调整的前提下,根据最终协议的条款,百特将获得约 35 亿美元的税前现金对价,目前预计税后约为 30 亿美元。

百特于 2023 1 月宣布拟设立一家独立的肾脏护理公司,作为其旨在提升未来业绩并为所有利益相关者创造价值的更广泛的战略调整的一部分。2024 3 月,百特宣布正在探讨出售该业务的可能性。在审视了潜在分拆途径的财务影响后,公司管理层和董事会认为将该业务售予凯雷能为百特股东创造最大价值,并为百特和Vantive的长期发展奠定最佳基础,因为百特和Vantive均能更灵活地为业务机遇配置资本,以加快实现各自增长目标。百特计划将交易所得的税后收益用于偿还债务,这符合其既定的资本分配优先事项。

过去十年来,凯雷一直是医疗技术领域领先的私募股权投资者,其投资的医疗技术和诊断公司的企业估值总额超过 400 亿美元。此外,本次凯雷携手Atmas HealthVantive进行投资,Atmas Health是一家致力于收购和创立市场领先的医疗保健业务的合伙公司,由三位业内高管—— Kieran GallahueJim Hinrichs Jim Prutow20229月共同创立组成,在创造医疗技术行业价值方面,卓有成效。Kieran Gallahue 将担任 Vantive 的董事长,与首席执行官 Chris Toth Vantive 管理团队并肩协作。

“今天的交易公告,标志着我们针对 2023 年初所宣布的战略转型进程,再度向前迈出了关键一步。通过此次拟定的交易,百特将成为一家更聚焦、更高效的公司,具备更好的优势来重新定义医疗服务,并推动创新以造福患者、客户和股东。” 百特董事长、总裁兼首席执行官José (Joe) E. Almeida表示,“我相信,在凯雷的管理和 Chris Toth 的领导下,作为肾脏疾病和重要器官疗法领域的开拓者,Vantive 团队将继续在70 年历史的业务基础上不断发展。”

Vantive 是全球肾脏护理领域的领导者,提供腹膜透析、血液透析和器官支持疗法(包括持续肾脏替代疗法 (CRRT))的产品和服务。该公司在全球拥有 23000 多名员工,2023 年收入达 45 亿美元。

“我期待同凯雷和Atmas的联合团队一起合作,与我的同事们一起推进Vantive的延长生命和拓展医疗可能性的企业使命。” 即将担任 Vantive 首席执行官的百特执行副总裁兼肾脏护理业务集团总裁 Chris Toth 表示。“今天的声明,意味着我们将为全球所有信赖百特解决方案的患者和护理团队,翻开了创新的新篇章。通过此次交易,Vantive 将更有力地深化百特透过数字解决方案和先进服务提升透析水平的承诺,同时将目光投向肾脏护理以外的领域,投资于重要器官疗法的转型。”

在达成交易协议后,Atmas 联合创始人兼 Vantive 董事长 Kieran Gallahue 表示,“Atmas团队很高兴能在Chris Toth的领导下投入Vantive业务的发展。我们期待透过精诚合作,在Vantive以患者为中心进行创新的业绩基础上再接再厉,为公司发展的新阶段创造长期价值。”

Vantive是一家实力雄厚、蓬勃发展的企业,拥有市场领先的特许经营模式,我们很高兴能与Vantive团队合作,通过帮助其从百特剥离并转型为独立的全球企业,以实现Vantive的战略愿景。” 凯雷医疗保健业务全球联席主管Robert Schmidt表示,“凯雷在支持企业管理层实现上述目标方面,具有得天独厚的优势。在美洲、欧洲、中东、非洲以及亚洲,凯雷都拥有着全球化的投资平台,我们每个区域的团队都将与Vantive通力合作,努力实现商业、员工、客户以及全球患者的共赢。”



预计本次交易将于 2024 年底或 2025 年初完成,但需获得常规的监管批准并满足其他成交条件。

Perella Weinberg Partners LP J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 担任百特的财务顾问,Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Baker McKenzie 担任百特的法务顾问。Barclays Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC 担任凯雷的财务顾问,Kirkland & Ellis LLP 担任凯雷的法务顾问。





业务销售增长和调整后营业利润率为非美国通用会计准则财务指标。更多信息,请参阅下文 "非美国通用会计准则财务指标 "部分。



每天,数以百万计的患者、护理人员和医疗服务提供者依赖于百特领先的诊断、危重症护理、肾脏护理、营养护理、住院和外科相关的产品和解决方案,它们被广泛用于患者居家环境、医院、医疗诊所和其他护理场所。90 多年来,百特致力于促进创新,以开创性的技术帮助医疗服务提供者挽救与延续生命。百特的产品、数字医疗解决方案和疗法遍布 100 多个国家和地区。基于深厚的医疗突破积累,百特的全球员工正推动下一代变革性医疗创新。欲了解更多信息,欢迎访问


凯雷(纳斯达克股票代码:CG)是一家全球投资公司,拥有深厚的行业专长,在其业务范围内部署私募资本,涵盖三大核心业务领域:全球私募股权投资、全球信贷和全球投资解决方案。截至 2024 6 30 日,凯雷资产规模达4350亿美元。凯雷致力于为投资者、被投资企业、股东、公众及所在社区提供明智的投资方案并创造长期价值。凯雷在全球四大洲的 29 个办事处拥有 2200 多名员工。欲了解更多信息,欢迎访问

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

This release contains certain forward-looking financial measures that are not calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). The forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures include targeted annual operational sales growth and targeted adjusted operating margin for 2025. Those measures are provided on a continuing operations basis and exclude any impact of the Kidney Care segment, which will be reported as a discontinued operation.

Targeted annual operational sales growth represents the company’s targeted future sales growth excluding sales to Vantive under the MSA and assuming foreign currency exchange rates remain constant in future periods. Targeted adjusted operating margin represents targeted adjusted operating income (operating income excluding special items that may occur during the forecast period) divided by targeted net sales.

Baxter has not provided reconciliations of targeted annual operational sales growth to a forward-looking estimate of annual GAAP sales growth or targeted adjusted operating margin to a forward-looking estimate of GAAP operating margin because the company is unable to predict with reasonable certainty the impact of legal proceedings, future business optimization actions, separation-related costs, integration-related costs, asset impairments, unusual gains and losses, and changes in foreign currency exchange rates, and the related amounts are unavailable without unreasonable efforts (as specified in the exception provided by Item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of Regulation S-K). In addition, Baxter believes that such reconciliations would imply a degree of precision and certainty that could be confusing to investors. Such items could have a substantial impact on GAAP measures of financial performance.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements related to the proposed transaction between Baxter International Inc. and Carlyle, including Baxter’s estimated after-tax proceeds from the proposed transaction, the expected timeframe for completing the proposed transaction, strategic and other potential benefits of the transaction and other statements about future beliefs, goals, plans or prospects for Vantive and Baxter (including select longer-term financial forecasts for Baxter’s remaining business following completion of the pending divestiture). These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that include, among other things, risks related to the receipt of customary regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of other closing conditions in the anticipated timeframe or at all, including the possibility that the proposed transaction does not close; risks related to the ability to realize the anticipated strategic, financial or other benefits of the proposed transaction, and other risks identified in Baxter's most recent filings on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and other SEC filings, all of which are available on Baxter's website. Actual results could differ materially from anticipated results. Baxter does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements or any of the statements contained in this press release.

Baxter is a registered trademark of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.